Saturday, October 25, 2008

UT Football at Nana's House

Nana Loved the back of our shirts too! Daddy was back in the Theater watching the game and we are still on this silly floor playing with mommy.

Daddy bought new outfits for us and a shirt for himself, but forgot to get one for Mommy... But that's ok, she already had one!

Daddy getting us ready for the game... Nana thought 'Frank' would be a UT fan too!

Here are Our 3 month Portraits

We had so many photos to chose from, but this has several of our Favorites! It took awhile for them to come, but they were worth the wait.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Our 3 month pose in our Boppy - this thing must be shrinking! Or maybe it is from all those bottles - we stille at every 3-4 hours... Mommy wants to know when that will slow down - any one want to make a guess???

Bella was watching her first Presidential debate with Daddy... amazing that at 3 months she already is puzzled like the rest of us - wonder what she is thinking? And who is she going to vote for???

Just another cute shot of Dax "sleeping it off" in is bumbo

We got new toys again! Don't tell, but Mommy likes to shop for us a lot - what are we going to do when she goes back to work and can't go so much??

Dax got to play in the Baby Einstein jumper first, he can get one foot on the ground if he leans over... but doesn't really know how to jump yet. His eyes get REALLY big if you make it bounce for him. He does like the music and lights on this toy better than the farm animals on the other exersaucer.

Daddy took a break from his break to help Mommy feed - Bella fell asleep in the "big bed"

Nothing is cuter than sleeping twins! Dax is in his chair, but we didn't get his picture this time. Bella fell asleep right after Daddy fed her - they both like being in our bed, it must be because they have so much room and it is softer!

Bumbo Chairs for two

Dax does a bit better - I swear he can sleep anywhere!

Holding on seems to help...

Ahhh - finally upright again (Thanks mom)

But she can't quite sit up yet... it is cute to watch her for about 30 seconds... then she gets frustrated or upset and cries - REALLY loud.

Here we are enjoying a bit of Noggin channel in our Bumbo chairs. Dr. Meyer said this will help Bella's head become more round - she lays around a bit too much... what will they think of next?

Three Months Already!

So Mom and Dad decided to try the couch - as you can see not much was different.

Now Bella decides to join Dax in a screaming match... is there ever really a winner when this happens?

This looks like a smile, but it really isn't - Dax is screaming and Bella is just watching

Maybe if we sit up it will be better.... NOPE!
Mommy and Daddy got us all dressed up to take a picture in our cute hats and tried really hard to get us to smile at the same time... this is as close as it got!